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Fees for Services

Other Info:

Home visit


Payment methods

Insurance Coverage
  our doctors chinese
dot acupuncture

(Our doctors charge very competitive fees for their professional services)

dot acupuncture Home visit: Additional fee $20 each time
dot acupuncture Cancellation Fee: $20.00 per 1/2 hour missed appointment 
$48.00 per hour missed appointment
dot acupuncture Payment Methods: cash, cheque, debit cards, and credit cards (visa / mastercard)
mastercard & visa
dot acupuncture Insurance Coverage: Look into your individual extended health plan for details of coverage.
Full payment is made at the time of treatment and receipts provided to insurance company.
    Effective April 2008 - Acupuncture treatments are covered under MSP. Those who make an annual income of less than $28,000, can claim $23.00 per visit for a total of 10 visits per year.



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Our Practitioners | Specialties | Treatments | Testmonials | Fees | Services | Contact Us

Qin Chun Zhang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc.
Suite 1070-4540 NO.3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6X 4E4 (Empire Centre)
Phone: 778.297.6643 Cell: 604.779.2836

Qing Lin Huang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc.

Suite 1070-4540 NO.3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6X 4E4 (Empire Centre)
Phone: 778.297.6643 Cell: 778.228.1309
© Copyright Qin Chun Zhang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc. 2011

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