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Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Ear Pressure Therapy

Cupping Therapy

Electro-Acupuncture Therapy

Chinese massage (Tuina) Therapy

Herbal Therapy

Scrapping Therapy

Cutaneous Needling Therapy

Scalp Acupuncture

Pricking blood therapy

  our doctors chinese
dot acupuncture

dot acupuncture In some cases the application of ear acupuncture ,ear seeds, pellets or magnets can boost the acupuncture treatment.
dot acupuncture This treatment involves the application of a seed, pellet or magnet onto specific points on the ear, these are left in place for up to a week.
dot acupuncture The patient will be asked to press the seed at least three times a day. This treatment sometimes involve needles.

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Our Practitioners | Specialties | Treatments | Testmonials | Fees | Services | Contact Us

Qin Chun Zhang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc.
Suite 1070-4540 NO.3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6X 4E4 (Empire Centre)
Phone: 778.297.6643 Cell: 604.779.2836

Qing Lin Huang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc.

Suite 1070-4540 NO.3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6X 4E4 (Empire Centre)
Phone: 778.297.6643 Cell: 778.228.1309
© Copyright Qin Chun Zhang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc. 2011

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