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Acupuncture and Moxibustion

Ear Pressure Therapy

Cupping Therapy

Electro-Acupuncture Therapy

Chinese massage (Tuina) Therapy

Herbal Therapy

Scrapping Therapy

Cutaneous Needling Therapy

Scalp Acupuncture

Pricking blood therapy

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dot acupuncture

dot acupuncture Scrapping therapy is a healing technique used in traditional chinese medicine. It involves palpation and cutaneous stimulation in which the skin is pressed with a piece of jade; that results in the appearance of small red patches. scrapping therapy ’s named is "GuaSha". "Gua" means to scrape or rub. "Sha" is a reddish, elevated patch of skin. "Sha" is the term used to describe blood in the subcutaneous tissue before and after it is raised as a small red bump.
dot acupuncture In the treatment a special oil or water is put on a particular area of the skin whereafter the therapist starts "scraping" the area with a jade or horn. Very soon the skin becomes red. The amazing thing is, that on places where disorders are hidden, red spots appear in the skin comparable to hemorrhage. the red spots should fade in 2-4 days. If it is slower to fade, poor blood circulation is indicated and the practitioner must ascertain whether there is a deficiency of Qi,blood,yin, Yang or a deeper organ deficiency at the root of the problem.Because the scraping is on the oily skin ,the patient will hardly feel pain , the skin will not be damaged neither during nor after the treatment, and the red spots will fully disappear within 3 to 7 days.
dot acupuncture What are the benefits of scrapping therapy? scrapping therapy can be used to prevent and treat diseases and strengthen the body. Especially in the area of pain relief it is unequalled. It has a very quick effect on common cold, pain from head, neck, shoulder, joint and back pain to RSI, rheumatism. It has as well an obvious effect on various diseases caused by functional disharmony of the internal organs.
dot acupuncture In summarizing scrapping therapy is stimulating the immune system, detoxifies and de-acidifies, promotes the circulation, regulates functions and organs, removes blockades and pain, revitalizes and regenerates, diminishes stress, fatigue and burn-out.

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Qin Chun Zhang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc.
Suite 1070-4540 NO.3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6X 4E4 (Empire Centre)
Phone: 778.297.6643 Cell: 604.779.2836

Qing Lin Huang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc.

Suite 1070-4540 NO.3 Road, Richmond B.C. V6X 4E4 (Empire Centre)
Phone: 778.297.6643 Cell: 778.228.1309
© Copyright Qin Chun Zhang Acupuncture & TCM Clinic Inc. 2011

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